Student Use of Technology
Using a MIDI keyboard or a MIDI instrument controller, students can performmelodies, rhythms, and chordal parts. Electronic instruments are effective in smallor large ensembles as well as in multi-station labs equipped with electronicinstruments/keyboards. They provide an excellent performance medium forstudents. Using appropriate software students can use the computer to help learn toplay a musical instrument.
Electronic instruments are capable of playing a wide range of timbres.Students can select a variety of timbres that evoke diverse genres and cultures.Students can use electronic instruments to perform simple and complex rhythmpatterns using a variety of percussion sounds. Some devices are designed to be usedby the instrumentalist in performance. These applications can accompany theperformer in rehearsal and performance.
The Internet provides access to locations where MIDI files can be copied todisk (downloaded) and used with a MIDI sequencer. Students can search forappropriate files, download them, and use them for rehearsal and/or performance.
Student Activities for Standard #2
2.01 The student performs melodic, rhythmic, and chordal parts using electronic instruments.
2.02 The student performs one-on-a-part using electronic instruments.
2.03 The student learns to play an instrument using appropriate computer-assisted instruction software.
2.04 The student performs music of diverse genres and cultures using electronic keyboard/instruments and sound modules.
2.05 The student demonstrates the ability to maintain a steady beat using MIDI percussion controllers or electronic keyboards.
2.06 The student uses practice and performance devices in rehearsal and/or performance.
2.07 The student searches for MIDI files using the Internet.
Teacher Use of Technology
Using a MIDI sequencer or automatic accompaniment software, instrumentalteachers can generate accompaniments. Using sequencing software, the tempo andkey can be changed and parts can also be muted for rehearsal and demonstration. Anelectronic keyboard or electronic instrument lab can be used for solo and groupperformances.
Teacher Strategies for Standard #2
2.08 The teacher plays back accompaniments using MIDI software.
2.09 The teacher selects appropriate music for students to use in live performance.
2.10 The teacher accesses General MIDI (GM) sounds using a GM instrument or sound module.
Excerpted fromTechnology Strategies for Music Education.

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