Students in grades K-4 echo short rhythms and melodic patterns by using their bodies.
Distribute a group activity that explains the musical relationship between length of instruments and their pitch.
Students will go on an internet scavenger hunt of the Wonders of the World - natural, man-made, and ancient.
Use chords to help students in grades 5-8 play simple tunes on a melodic instrument and simple accompaniments on a…
Help students in grades K-4 with rhythm and melody by using the echo technique and basic percussion instruments.
Learn how to use technology to teach instrument performance with these activities and strategies for music education.
Learn about the different families of instruments in an orchestra.
Connect music and reading with this craft project. Students will build African hand drums, then use sounds and rhythms…
Students will explore ragtime music and gain an understanding of its development in relation to jazz. They will also…
Use these Chinese seven-tone and pentatonic scales with the Chinese Music reference sheet.
Have your students unscramble the words in this music printable to correctly spell out the names of musical instruments.
Have students in grades 9-12 perform a varied repertoire of instrumental literature with expression and technical…
Introduce children to classical music through the engaging and entertaining murder mystery The Composer Is Dead by…
Identify the five jazz instruments pictured in this music worksheet by their name and instrument family.
Enhance musical abilities with an activity that focuses on families of orchestral instruments.
Use this early learning activity for math and music to review terms for instruments. Help Curious George arrange the…
Instructions for making a South American flute from PVC tubing.
Drums appear in almost all cultures. Learn to construct a tunable drum from a plastic soda bottle.
This two-stringed instrument originated in China, has influenced modern bowed instruments, and can be made using a can.
Use technology to encourage musical improvisation with these student activities and teacher strategies.
Students in grades 9-12 learn how their part fits into an ensemble by silently playing their instruments while another…
Make a maraca from beans and a juice can.
Student make a musical instrument from a gourd.
In this activity, students make instruments out of common objects and use them to perform an African melody or popular…