Wondering how and what to write for report card comments for kindergarten?

This list of 96 ready-to-use report card comments covers academics (including language, literacy, and math), art and creativity, gross and fine motor skills, personality and attitude, work habits, and social skills for kindergarten report cards, and provides both examples of positive feedback for students and suggestions for improvement.

Help make the kindergarten grading and evaluation process easier with this selection of editable, categorized comments.

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Academic Achievement and Improvement Remarks for Kindergarten Students

Positive Comments:

  • ____________ has made solid progress in [reading/writing/math] and is performing [at grade level/above grade level] benchmarks. Good job!
  • ____________ is an attentive student who has shown regular improvement in [reading/writing/math] skills since [his/her] last report card.
  • ____________ works hard in class and has excellent [reading/writing/math] skills for [his/her] age. [He\she] enjoys [these/this subject(s)]. Please encourage [him/her] to use these skills at home!
  • ____________ enjoys school and [his/her] enthusiasm is reflected in the quality of work [he/she] does in class and at home. [He/she] is a great student!
  • ____________ has shown remarkable progress in [reading/writing/math] and consistently exceeds grade-level expectations. Keep up the excellent work!
  • ____________ demonstrates a strong grasp of [reading/writing/math] concepts and consistently applies them in class. [He/She] is a dedicated learner who consistently strives for improvement.

Needs Improvement Comments:

  • ____________ is making progress in [his/her] core subjects but is having some difficulty with _________. I am not concerned about this at the moment, and believe that with continued hard work [he/she] will see improvement quickly.
  • I am concerned with ___________’s academic progress, and would like to schedule a conference with you to discuss how best to support [his/her] efforts both in school and at home.
  • ____________ is an enthusiastic learner who enjoys school. [He/she] is having some difficulty with [reading/writing/math] - please continue to review with [him/her] nightly.
  • ____________ has continued to struggle with [reading/writing/math], despite additional in-class and at-home support. I would like to schedule a conference with you to discuss benchmark testing and possible specialist support.
  • ____________ is working hard in all core subjects but is facing challenges with ___________. I am confident that with targeted support and continued effort, [he/she] will make significant progress in this area.
  • I have concerns about ___________'s academic progress, particularly in [reading/writing/math]. It would be beneficial to schedule a meeting to discuss strategies and interventions to help [him/her] improve in these areas both at school and at home.
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Language and Literacy Skills Remarks for Kindergarten Students

Positive Comments:

  • ____________ demonstrates a strong vocabulary and uses a variety of words to express ideas and thoughts. Well done!
  • ____________ shows enthusiasm for reading and actively participates in shared reading activities. Keep up the great work!
  • ____________ has made significant progress in letter recognition and is starting to blend sounds to read simple words. Excellent effort!
  • ____________ enjoys writing and is beginning to use punctuation marks and capital letters correctly. Keep practicing!
  • ____________ consistently demonstrates a love for books and actively engages in independent reading. Keep up the great reading habits!
  • ____________ shows great improvement in phonics skills and is now able to decode and blend more complex words. Well done on your progress!

Needs Improvement Comments:

  • ____________ is still developing phonemic awareness skills and needs additional support to identify and manipulate sounds in words.
  • I would like to see ____________ demonstrate more confidence in reading aloud and taking risks in sounding out unfamiliar words.
  • ____________ needs to work on letter formation and improving handwriting legibility. Consistent practice at home will help.
  • ____________ is struggling with comprehending longer texts and needs more practice in summarizing and retelling stories.
  • ____________ shows improvement in recognizing letter sounds, but still needs practice in blending them together to read words fluently.
  • I encourage ____________ to expand [his/ her] vocabulary by using more descriptive words in [his/her] writing and speaking.

Math Skills Remarks for Kindergarten Students

Positive Comments:

  • ____________ demonstrates a solid understanding of basic math concepts, such as number recognition, counting, and basic addition/subtraction. Well done!
  • ____________ shows enthusiasm for math and actively engages in hands-on activities and problem-solving tasks. Keep up the great work!
  • ____________ has made significant progress in understanding and applying math skills, such as identifying shapes, sorting objects, and recognizing patterns. Excellent effort!
  • ____________ enjoys exploring numbers and is beginning to understand basic math operations, such as adding and subtracting small quantities. Keep practicing!
  • ____________ consistently demonstrates a strong foundation in math skills and applies them in various real-life situations. Keep up the great math abilities!
  • ____________ shows great improvement in math skills and is now able to solve simple word problems and use basic math vocabulary. Well done on your progress!

Needs Improvement Comments:

  • ____________ is still developing a solid understanding of basic math concepts, such as number recognition and counting. Additional practice and reinforcement at home will be beneficial.
  • I would like to see ____________ demonstrate more confidence in solving math problems independently and applying math skills in different contexts.
  • ____________ needs to work on developing a stronger grasp of basic math operations, such as addition and subtraction. Consistent practice and support at home will help.
  • ____________ is struggling with understanding and applying more complex math concepts, such as measurement and time. Additional guidance and targeted practice will be beneficial.
  • ____________ shows improvement in math skills, but still needs practice in solving word problems and explaining math thinking. Continued practice and support will help strengthen these areas.
  • I encourage ____________ to expand [his/her] math vocabulary and use more precise math language when explaining math concepts and reasoning.

Art and Creativity Remarks for Kindergarten Students

Positive Comments:

  • ____________ demonstrates a strong sense of creativity and imagination in [his/her] artwork. [He/She] enjoys exploring different materials and techniques.
  • ____________ shows great enthusiasm for art activities and is always eager to experiment with colors and textures.
  • ____________ consistently produces artwork that is unique and showcases [his/her] individuality. [He/She] is not afraid to take risks and try new approaches.
  • ____________ pays attention to details and takes pride in [his/her] artwork. [His/Her] pieces often display a high level of craftsmanship.
  • ____________ effectively uses various art mediums to express [his/her] ideas and emotions. [His/Her] artwork is visually engaging and thought-provoking.
  • ____________ shows a natural talent for art and consistently produces visually appealing and imaginative artwork.

Needs Improvement Comments:

  • ____________ is encouraged to take more risks and explore different art techniques. [He/She] tends to stick to familiar styles and materials.
  • ____________ needs guidance in developing [his/her] fine motor skills for more precise artwork. Encouraging [him/her] to practice control and attention to detail would be beneficial.
  • ____________ sometimes struggles with following instructions in art projects, resulting in incomplete or messy artwork. Encouraging [him/her] to listen carefully and follow step-by-step instructions would help improve [his/her] work.
  • ____________ would benefit from experimenting with a wider range of art materials and techniques to expand [his/her] creativity and artistic expression.
  • ____________ needs to work on focusing on the task at hand during art activities, as [he/she] can become easily distracted and rush through [his/her] work.
  • ____________ is encouraged to put more effort into completing [his/her] artwork. [He/She] sometimes shows a lack of commitment and may need reminders to finish [his/her] projects.

Fine Motor Skills Remarks for Kindergarten Students

Positive Comments:

  • ____________ demonstrates excellent fine motor skills, showing precision and control when handling small objects and tools. [He/She] can manipulate small items with ease.
  • ____________ has made significant progress in developing fine motor skills, such as cutting, coloring, and writing. [He/She] can now complete tasks that require good hand-eye coordination.
  • ____________ shows great dexterity and coordination in [his/her] fine motor activities. [He/She] can complete intricate tasks with ease and accuracy.

Needs Improvement Comments:

  • ____________ is still developing fine motor skills and may need additional practice and support to improve [his/her] handwriting and control when using small tools.
  • I encourage ____________ to work on strengthening [his/her] fine motor skills, such as using scissors and holding a pencil correctly. Consistent practice at home will help improve [his/her] control and precision.
  • ____________ needs to focus on developing better control over [his/her] fine motor movements, such as coloring within the lines and using proper grip while writing. Continued practice and guidance will support [his/her] progress in this area.

Gross Motor Skills Remarks for Kindergarten Students

Positive Comments:

  • ____________ demonstrates excellent gross motor skills, showing coordination and control in activities such as running, jumping, and throwing. [He/She] participates actively and confidently in physical activities.
  • ____________ has made great progress in developing gross motor skills. [He/She] is now able to perform more complex movements, such as skipping and hopping on one foot. Well done!
  • ____________ shows enthusiasm and skill in various gross motor activities. [He/She] can maintain balance and coordination while participating in games and sports.

Needs Improvement Comments:

  • ____________ is still developing gross motor skills and may need additional practice and support to improve [his/her] coordination and balance. Encouraging participation in physical activities at home would be beneficial.
  • I encourage ____________ to work on strengthening [his/her] gross motor skills, such as running, jumping, and catching. Continued practice and engagement in physical activities will help improve [his/her] overall coordination.
  • ____________ needs to focus on developing better control over [his/her] gross motor movements, such as skipping and throwing. Targeted practice and guidance will support [his/her] progress in this area.

Work Habit Remarks for Kindergarten Students

Positive Comments:

  • ____________ has made great progress in improving [his/her] work habits, and is now submitting work that is grade-level appropriate. Great job!
  • ____________ has excellent work habits and always completes [his/her] work and other tasks on time and with great care. [He/she] is a great model for other students in our class!
  • ____________ works very well independently, is enthusiastic and conscientious, and submits neat, correct, and high-quality work every time. Awesome job!
  • ____________ consistently demonstrates excellent work habits and takes pride in completing assignments to the best of [his/her] ability. [He/She] is always focused, and attentive, and ensures that [his/her] work is neat and accurate.
  • ____________ has shown tremendous growth in [his/her] work habits throughout the year. [He/She] consistently demonstrates a strong work ethic, takes initiative, and goes above and beyond in completing tasks. [His/Her] dedication and commitment to quality work are commendable.

Needs Improvement Comments:

  • ____________ does mostly good work, but [he/she] is not consistent. We will continue to work on helping [him/her] submit [his/her] best work every time - please continue with the great support at home!
  • As discussed in previous meetings, ___________’s work habits still require continued support and attention to get [him/her] to an acceptable level.
  • ____________ is struggling with completing work and other tasks on time and without assistance. {He/she] is easily distracted and has difficulty staying on task when this happens.
  • ____________ generally does quality work, but is sometimes too focused on getting [his/her] independent work done too quickly, which leads to issues with accuracy and unnecessary errors. Please help to reinforce a careful and focused work pace at home.
  • ____________ needs help to finish independent assignments. [He/she] has made progress in managing time and making serious efforts, but needs continued support in this area to develop the skills necessary for doing great work on [his/her] own.

Personality and Attitude Remarks for Kindergarten Students

Positive Comments:

  • ____________ is thoughtful, pleasant, curious, and a hard worker. [He/she] enjoys school and is a great classmate. Great job!
  • ____________ shows interest in and enthusiasm for school, [his/her] classmates, and learning and applying new skills and concepts. [He/she] is a joy to have in class.
  • ____________ enjoys participating in class activities, working in groups, and helping others. [He/she] adds a lot to the personality of our classroom and is well-liked by other students.
  • ____________’s attitude toward school and [his/her] classmates has improved dramatically since the last reporting period. Thank you for being so helpful!
  • ____________ consistently demonstrates a positive attitude towards school, showing enthusiasm and a genuine love for learning. [He/She] approaches challenges with a positive mindset and is always willing to help and support classmates.
  • ____________ displays a friendly and respectful demeanor towards peers and teachers. [He/She] actively contributes to a positive classroom environment by being kind, considerate, and inclusive towards others. [His/Her] positive attitude is contagious and helps create a welcoming atmosphere for everyone.

Needs Improvement Comments:

  • ____________ is struggling with consistency in [his/her] attitude in school. While [he/she] is very good at [behavior/attitude], [he/she] sometimes struggles with [behavior/attitude]. We will continue to work on this, and your assistance would be greatly appreciated.
  • ____________ needs to be encouraged to participate more in class activities and group work. [He/she] has progressed with this since the beginning of the year, but has more work to do.
  • ____________ is struggling with consistently following classroom rules, especially those having to do with [behavior/attitude/norm]. I am confident that with ongoing support and reminders, [he/she] will quickly improve this area.
  • ____________ has continued to struggle with adapting to classroom rules and routines. I would like to schedule a conference with you to discuss how we can work together to improve [his/her] behavior.
  • ____________ is having difficulty demonstrating consistent positive behavior and attitude in school. While [he/she] is capable of showing [behavior/attitude], [he/she] sometimes struggles with [behavior/attitude]. Continued support and assistance from both home and school will be beneficial in helping [him/her] improve in this area.
  • ____________ needs encouragement to actively participate in class activities and group work. Although there has been progress since the beginning of the year, [he/she] still has room for improvement. Continued practice and support will help [him/her] become more engaged in these activities.

Social-Emotional Skills Remarks and Comments for Kindergarten Students

Positive Comments:

  • ____________ manages and regulates [his/her] emotions appropriately and responds well to feedback.
  • ____________ is very good at finishing things that [he/she] starts and seeing them all the way through to the end result.
  • ____________ communicates very effectively with classmates, teachers, and other staff members.
  • ____________ is dependable, responds well to direction and coaching, and follows through on [his/her] commitments to [him/her]self and others.
  • ____________ is responsible and accountable for [his/her] work, behavior, and communication both inside and outside the classroom.
  • ____________ is always looking for ways to be helpful to other students and members of the school community.
  • ____________ works very well with classmates and others on group projects and activities, and is comfortable being a leader.
  • ____________ relates well to others and is appreciative of different perspectives, experiences, and circumstances.

Needs Improvement Comments:

  • ____________ struggles with managing [his/her] emotions appropriately and could benefit from additional support in this area.
  • ____________ has difficulty staying focused and may need reminders to stay on task during class activities.
  • ____________ has shown inconsistent problem-solving skills and would benefit from strategies to help [him/her] approach challenges more effectively.
  • ____________ has difficulty taking responsibility for [his/her] actions and may need guidance in understanding the consequences of [his/her] choices.
  • ____________ has trouble working cooperatively with peers and may need support in developing positive collaboration skills.
  • ____________ has difficulty following classroom rules and would benefit from consistent reminders and reinforcement of expectations.

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About the author

Stephen Solomon


About Stephen

Specializing in content management, education product strategy, and curriculum development for K-12, Stephen Solomon (B.A.) is the former Digital Content Manager for… Read more

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