Student Use of Technology
Electronic instruments can be used by students as tools for improvisation.They can provide a wide range of pitched and non-pitched sounds for use whenimprovising. Many electronic keyboard models come with built-in rhythm andchordal patterns that can be accessed using one or two fingers. This can be a way forstudents to explore and compose harmonic progressions, melodies, and variations.
Student Activities for Standard #3
3.01 The student improvises melodic phrases and answers using electronic instruments.
3.02 The student improvises simple songs and compositions using a variety of electronic sound sources.
3.03 The student creates original harmonic progressions using the "single finger" left hand bass function contained on many electronic keyboards.
Teacher Use of Technology
Teachers can use the MIDI sequencer and intelligent software to createbackground tracks for improvisation. These can be played in rehearsal andperformance aiding student improvisation.
Teacher Strategies for Standard #3
3.04 The teacher creates ostinatos and accompaniments for student improvisation using a MIDI sequencer or an intelligent software program.
Excerpted from Technology Strategies for Music Education.

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