Student Use of Technology
Students can use software designed to provide information about music andits relationship to history and culture. Some software programs present musicwithin a broad cultural and historical context. Most programmable electronickeyboards and sound modules allow the user to alter and create custom tuningssuch as those used in the Renaissance and Baroque eras.
Because the Internet provides access to a wide variety of information abouthistorical periods and cultures, students can use it to research class projects andpapers. They can also capture MIDI files and other files and use notation andsequencing software to analyze music from various cultures. Using the Internet,students can contact other students throughout the world via electronic mail. Also,special Newsgroups and web sites may be accessed to exchange information.
Student Activities for Standard #9
9.01 The student recognizes relationships among music, history, and culture using CAI software.
9.02 The student creates various tunings on an electronic instrument to demonstrate the evolution of tunings throughout the history of music.
9.03 The student locates historical and cultural information using the Internet.
9.04 The student analyzes music of various cultures and musical styles using notation and MIDI sequencing software.
9.05 The student exchanges information on music, history, and culture with other students throughout the world using the Internet.
Teacher Use of Technology
Teachers should be acquainted with software which presents informationabout music and its relationship to history and culture. Programmable electronickeyboards and sound modules allow the teacher to alter and create custom tuningssuch as those used in the Renaissance and Baroque eras. Teachers can use standardMIDI files and notation and sequencing programs to present music from variouscultures and historical periods for listening, analysis, and evaluation. Teachers canuse multimedia software and the Internet to present materials to the class. By usingthe Internet, teachers can contact others throughout the world via electronic mailand other electronic mediums. Also, special Newsgroups can be used to exchangeinformation with other teachers around the world. Teachers should also be familiarwith how to create educational world wide web sites.
Teacher Strategies for Standard #9
9.06 The teacher selects appropriate CAI and multimedia software to teach the relationship among music, history, and culture.
9.07 The teacher creates various tunings to demonstrate an understanding of the evolution of tunings throughout the history of music using an electronic instrument.
9.08 The teacher presents the music of various cultures and historical periods using notation and MIDI sequencing software.
9.09 The teacher finds historical and cultural information for use in class using multimedia programs and the Internet.
9.10 The teacher collects and shares information about other cultures using the Internet.
9.11 The teacher designs world wide web pages for music instruction.
Excerpted fromTechnology Strategies for Music Education.

Provided in partnership with NAfME |
Learn how technology can help you demonstrate music's relation to history and culture with these student activities and teacher strategies for music education.