Student Use of Technology
Students can use educational software to help discover relationships betweenmusic and the other arts and disciplines. The Internet allows students to locate andcollect information about the arts and other disciplines. Sites are available whichdisplay information about art, dance, theater, and the academic disciplines. Becausethe Internet includes text, sound, graphics, and video, students may view paintings,ballet and dance performances, operatic and theatrical performances, and listen torelated music.
Using multimedia authoring software students can create class projects andpresentations. They can be organized to demonstrate how the arts and otherdisciplines relate to music.
Student Activities for Standard #8
8.01 The student learns the relationship between music and the arts and other disciplines using CAI and multimedia software.
8.02 The student compares and contrasts two or more art forms or disciplines outside the arts from information gathered from the Internet.
8.03 The student creates a multimedia presentation demonstrating the relationship of music to the arts and other disciplines.
Teacher Use of Technology
Teachers can use CAI software that establishes connections between musicand the other arts and disciplines. Multimedia software and the Internet provideteachers with the means to research materials for classroom presentation. Thisinformation can be the basis for student projects and analysis relating music to otherarts and disciplines. Multimedia authoring software enables teachers to createprojects and presentations. These productions can be organized to demonstrate howthe arts and other disciplines relate to music.
Teacher Strategies for Standard #8
8.04 The teacher selects appropriate CAI and multimedia software that teach the relationship among music, the arts, and other disciplines.
8.05 The teacher collects materials explaining the relationships among music, the arts, and other disciplines by using the Internet and multimedia reference software.
8.06 The teacher creates a multimedia presentation demonstrating the relationships among music, the arts, and other disciplines.
Excerpted from Technology Strategies for Music Education.

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