Review election vocabulary with this word scramble activity. After unscrambling each word, discuss its meaning as a class and encourage students to use it in a sentence. Students may use the word box for help.
Macmillan Children's Publishing Group is home to many of the most highly acclaimed and noteworthy children's imprints in publishing: Farrar Straus Giroux, Feiwel and Friends, First Second, Henry Holt, Priddy Books, Roaring Brook Press, and Square Fish. MCPG authors and illustrators include Eric Carle, Jack Gantos, Kimberly Willis Holt, Lloyd Alexander, and Peter Sis; memorable characters include Bad Kitty and Carl the Rottweiler.
Featured 5th Grade Resources
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The Twits Word Scramble
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Curious George Word Scramble
Use this word scramble to review vocabulary from the Curious George series.
Bad Kitty for President: Write a Campaign Speech
Help Bad Kitty write a presidential campaign speech to read at the next Neighborhood Cat Coalition.
Bad Kitty for President: Where Is Bad Kitty Campaigning?
Have students put their knowledge of U.S. geography and trivia to good use in this election activity.
Bad Kitty for President: Host Your Own Mock Election!
Follow the steps in this printable to hold your own mock election at school or home.