Students learn who their state and U.S. representatives are, discuss major political issues, and write letters to…
Review poems read at presidential inauguration ceremonies with this lesson plan. After the presidential election is…
Complete, step-by-step guide to holding a Lincoln-Douglas style debate! The debates between Abraham Lincoln and…
In this reading warm-up, students read a short biography on Elizabeth Cady Stanton and answer reading comprehension…
Increase social studies skills with an activity that focuses on elections and recognizing voting terms. This is a fun…
This election vocabulary will help teaching students about the U.S. Government.
Study the life of Barack Obama with the resources in this literature guide to Barack Obama: Son of Promise, Child of…
Use this U.S. map with physiography to help your students improve their geography skills. This map includes major…
Print out a blank outline map of Florida to help your students learn more about the Sunshine State. This can be used…
Print out a blank outline map of Georgia to help your students learn more about the this state. This can be used with…
Blank outline map of Hawaii.
Print out a blank outline map of Texas to help your students learn more about the Lonestar State. This can be used with…
Blank outline map of Utah with state capital.
Engage students in government by holding a mock election in your classroom! After reading Margaret Chase Smith, use the…
Help your students understand the process of electing officials and the power of the vote by holding a mock election. …
Students will use the Internet to gather data about the presidents of the United States. They will use this information…
Play bingo with election vocabulary to have fun and assess your students' knowledge of the words. This is a great game…
Fourteen candidates have become president of the United States with a popular vote less than 50% of the total cast. Read…
Read about the 2012 presidential campaign issues and learn where Republican Mitt Romney stands on immigration,…
Read about the 2012 presidential campaign issues to learn about Ron Paul's stance on immigration, healthcare, foreign…
Read about Julia Ward Howe -- an American suffrage leader.
An article explaining the election process for the U.S. House of Representatives.
An article explaining the election process for United States Senators.
An explanation of the election process for the House of Representatives appropriate for elementary-aged students.