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Bring Science,Technology, Engineering, Art and Math into the classroom with these fun, cross-curricular projects for elementary students.

This collection of 5 detailed and easily adaptable STEAM activities are the perfect way to introduce new topics in a hands-on and exciting way. Students will enjoy being creative while learning, problem solving and collaborating!

What's Included:

  • Teaching instructions with notes on materials, preparation and modeling
  • Student instructions and worksheets for completing the activities

Project Activities:

  • Symmetry Silhouettes combine math, science and art, and are perfect for teaching geometry and life science lessons. Have a variety of tempera paint available in all kinds of colors with plenty of brushes. Fold paper in half and create a design on one side. Quickly close the paper so that the paint transfers onto the other side of the paper and experiment by tapping, rubbing, or pressing the paint. Each method will create different textures and finishes. Open the creation and point out the areas of symmetry
  • Planet Painting pairs together science and art, combining color theory and astronomy lessons. Using reference photos of the planets, create drawings, depicting different color and texture details. Using a variety of watercolor paints, mix and layer colors to accurately represent the planets!
  • Egg Dying brings science and art together, utilizing concepts like the scientific method. Materials can include rubber bands, tin foil, ribbon, crayons, markers and more. Hard boil the eggs, and have extras on hand. Create a premixed dye, combining vinegar and dye tabs or food coloring. Let the solution sit to ensure rich and vibrant colors. Use technology to research unique ways to dye the eggs. Sketch design plans and chart hypotheses before beginning the dying process. Test out different methods of dying and record the results!
  • And more!

Featured 5th Grade Resources

Indoor Recess Choice Board Activities for Elementary


Indoor Recess Choice Board Activities for Elementary

This menu features a selection of simple and engaging student-choice indoor recess activities.

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Movement Activities for Elementary Students


Movement Activities for Elementary Students

Break up the day and get your students moving with these movement activities for elementary students.

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Related Resources


Summer Reading Suggestions & Tips

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Sydney & Simon: Full STEAM Ahead DIY Water Pump Instructions

Follow these printable instructions to build a water pump, just like the one in Sydney & Simon: Full STEAM Ahead.

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Attendance and Lunch: A Simple Set-Up

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Behavioral Contracting: Additional Suggestions and Considerations

Behavioral ContractingAdditional Suggestions and Considerations Initially, design the behavioral contract to be short te...

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Variation of the Good Behavior Game: Additional Suggestions

Variation of the "Good Behavior Game"Additional Suggestions and Considerations Alter the make-up of the teams every few ...

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About the author

Heather Aulisio


About Heather

Heather Aulisio (B.S., M.S. Ed.) is a 5th grade math and science teacher. She has been teaching in a public school setting for 19 years. Heather has previously taught third… Read more

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