Handout a printable crossword puzzle featuring world countries.
Handout a printable crossword puzzle featuring world capitals.
Handout a printable crossword puzzle featuring North America.
Handout a printable crossword puzzle featuring South America.
This printable game has students using Geography Flash Cards to match geographical terms or capitals with world…
Check out these printable geography flash cards.
Handout a printable activity that asks students to draw all the continents.
Handout a printable activity that asks students to draw the North American continent.
Handout a printable activity that asks students to select the correct world map.
Handout a printable activity that asks students to find the differences between two maps of North America.
Handout a printable activity that asks students to search for geographical terms.
Handout a printable activity that asks students to search for the world's oceans.
Review students' knowledge using this printable activity that asks them to search for the names of the world's…
Ask students to fill in the terms for different bodies of water using a printable puzzle.
Ask students to fill in the terms for different kinds of land using a printable puzzle.
Ask students to write the names of the world's seven continents using a printable puzzle.
Ask students to write the names of the world's four oceans using a printable puzzle.
Ask students to write the names of the six countries of North America using a printable puzzle.
Ask students to write down the landforms of North America using a printable puzzle.
Students construct a topographic map.
Students examine changing boundaries using a map of Europe, pre-1990.
This printable outline of the world is a great printable resource to build students geographical and critical thinking…
Choose from 45 capital cities, and name the corresponding country.
Find the errors in this map of the United States.