Use this worksheet in conjunction with the "Math and Recipes" lesson.
Scoots are a way for students to practice math skills on the move! Question cards are placed around the room and on…
Improve your students' math skills with these exercises that help them practice word problems with multiple steps. Word…
Use this math worksheet to give students practice writing equivalent number sentences for addition, subtraction,…
Provide students with an opportunity to learn and use addition patterns to find sums.
Using M&Ms, students will practice graphing and averaging and use the data in a spreadsheet.
Two sets of addition problems with answers that add up to 12 and 18.
This printable chart shows basic addition problems.
Improve your students' arithmetic skills using the fun activities and lessons found in our printable book "Addition &…
These printable activities are a perfect way for students to practice arithmetic at home and in the classroom. All of…
This elementary school diagnostic math assessment for back to school is designed to help you benchmark your students'…
Browse a printable teacher resource book that is full of educational worksheets for your elementary math class. Students…
Follow these step-by-step instructions to teach students about the SUM function for spreadsheets. This lesson plan…
Try a math activity that focuses on money values.
Practice addition and subtraction with your elementary students through fun games, worksheets, and activities in this…
Reinforce math skills with a practice worksheet on identifying patterns. Students are asked to identify increasing or…
Reinforce your students' subtraction and estimation skills with this printable daily warm-up on mathematical operations.
Follow the step-by-step instructions in this lesson to make a spreadsheet that solves complex math problems according to…
Students are given several numbers and asked to write subtraction problems to get a number as close to zero as possible.
Numerical prefixes such as uni- or tri- or quint- are defined.
In this video, Jada helps Daniel learn how to subtract whole numbers using place values.
Improve your students' arithmetic skills using the fun activities and lessons found in the printable book. All of these…
You'll see many worksheets and activities inside this slideshow, including practice for learning place value,…
You'll find many worksheets inside this slideshow, which will reinforce students arithmetic skills. All of these…