Encourage students to begin the process of mastering multiplication facts as you enhance your mathematics lesson by…
This lesson contains everything that you need to introduce division to your students. All you need to do is download,…
Use this worksheet in conjunction with the "Math and Recipes" lesson.
Help students remember the times tables with this division worksheet. Students will divide by 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10.
Help students understand the distributive property with the addition, multiplication, and division problems in this math…
Students use critical thinking skills to answer multiplication and division problems.
Use this math worksheet to give students practice writing equivalent number sentences for addition, subtraction,…
This choice board is a great way for your students to practice division. They will demonstrate understanding of division…
After teaching students to find averages, have them practice what they've learned by finding the average of each set of…
Use this collection of worksheets to help your students explore multiplication patterns. The worksheets vary in level of…
Introduce the steps of long division with the examples and practice problems in these math printables. Students review…
Can your students find all the multiples of 3 and 4 in this math worksheet? Help students complete the problems by…
Extend and enhance students' enjoyment of Rickshaw Girl with this discussion and activity guide. Students interview…
Give students practice in long division where the divisors are less than 5 and the quotient contains a remainder.…
Browse a printable teacher resource book that is full of educational worksheets for your elementary math class. Students…
Students practice their critical thinking and problem-solving skills by dividing money amounts and answering the word…
For each division problem in this worksheet, students practice long division and find the remainder.
Several helpful patterns in the 8 times tables will help students learn it quickly. Give students these worksheets to…
This elementary school diagnostic math assessment for back to school is designed to help you benchmark your students'…
Students practice estimating quotients by answering various word problems.
Give students practice in determining factors and prime numbers with a printable worksheet.
Refer to this printable guide before, during, and after reading Multiplying Menace with your class. It includes…
Practice addition and subtraction with your elementary students through fun games, worksheets, and activities in this…
Use this math printable resource to give students a helpful review of division concepts and facts. Have students place a…