Encourage students to begin the process of mastering multiplication facts as you enhance your mathematics lesson by…
For those students who do not like to "show their work" in math, this is a great in-class or homework activity. A…
This lesson contains everything that you need to introduce division to your students. All you need to do is download,…
Use this worksheet in conjunction with the "Math and Recipes" lesson.
This choice board is a great way for your students to practice division. They will demonstrate understanding of division…
Use this printable to help students practice their number pattern skills by identifying the rule to discover the numbers…
Use this collection of worksheets to help your students explore multiplication patterns. The worksheets vary in level of…
Extend and enhance students' enjoyment of Rickshaw Girl with this discussion and activity guide. Students interview…
To estimate each quotient, students round the dividend to a compatible number (a multiple of the divisor). Then, they…
Students are given a division problem and asked to find the quotient and remainder. They are then asked to use that…
Students explore prime and composite numbers using factor trees.
This elementary school diagnostic math assessment for back to school is designed to help you benchmark your students'…
Refer to this printable guide before, during, and after reading Multiplying Menace with your class. It includes…
Practice addition and subtraction with your elementary students through fun games, worksheets, and activities in this…
Review times tables with this division worksheet. To solve these horizontal division problems, students must divide by…
Use these long division problems to give students practice dividing three-digit numbers by two-digit numbers. In the…
These real-life word problems require students to multiply or divide units of time (minutes, hours, or days).
In this worksheet puzzle, students are practicing their logical reasoning skills. They are asked to use clues in the…
In this worksheet, students are asked to solve cluster problems.
Students are asked a series of questions based on a box of tea bags. The solutions use multiplication, division,…
Students are given a made up coin denomination and must create their own coin name. Next they must use division…
Students are shown a number tower that contains multiples of 31.They are asked to use the tower to answer several…
In this worksheet students are asked to solve digit puzzles. They need to find the largest product and smallest quotient…
Students are asked to solve problems that use various operations within the same problem. They are given the first two…