Visual cues may help students solve these subtraction word problems.
Students will solve the real-life word problems by using the pictures on this printable math worksheet as clues.…
In this lesson students compare one number with another using manipulatives, write number sentences to show the…
This printable presents students with the set of steps necessary for writing a number sentence, and includes an example…
Students practice adding and subtracting 1 from numbers up to 20. Pictures of candies will help students complete some…
To practice adding and subtracting the number one, students must count, draw, and write "1 more" or "1 less" than the…
Practice using fact families with numbers from 1 to 10, in this printable math worksheet. Both addition and subtraction…
Add and subtract to find the missing numbers in these horizontal number sentences. Numbers from 0 to 20 are covered in…
Students count the backwards steps of a frog to complete simple horizontal subtraction problems. Then, they use mental…
This printable sheet of blank tables and addition tables will help you teach students about the concepts of fact…
Reinforce your students' subtraction skills with this printable daily warm-up on mathematical operations.
Give students practice counting by ones with this printable math worksheet. Students count forwards and backwards by one…
Practice the concepts of "more" and "less" with this printable math worksheet. Students find which numbers are 1, 10, or…
Two sets of addition problems with answers that add up to 12 and 18.
This printable chart shows basic addition problems.
By crossing out a certain number of objects pictured, and counting how many objects are left, students demonstrate the…
Using picture comparisons as a guide, students solve simple subtraction problems then write out a sentence describing…
Both one- and two-digit numbers are covered in this printable addition and subtraction worksheet. Students use the 3…
Solve the number puzzles featured in this printable math worksheet by reading these addition and subtraction word…
Improve your students' arithmetic skills using the fun activities and lessons found in our printable book "Addition &…
These printable activities are a perfect way for students to practice arithmetic at home and in the classroom. All of…
Try a math activity that focuses on subtraction.
Browse a printable teacher resource book that is full of educational worksheets for your elementary math class. Students…
This elementary school diagnostic math assessment for back to school is designed to help you benchmark your students'…