Introduce basic multiplication with this printable math worksheet. Students count sets of objects to determine the final…
Introduce the concepts of "greater than" and "less than" to complete this math worksheet. Students are given a set of…
Practice base ten in this worksheet. Students read the number, write it out, then draw a picture of blocks to represent…
The concepts of "most" and "least" are covered in this printable math worksheet. Students circle the set of pictures…
Count by 1s, 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, 6s, 10s, and 100s to find these number patterns. Children can see what operation turns a…
Students practice adding and subtracting 1 from numbers up to 20. Pictures of candies will help students complete some…
To show they understand how to read numbers in numerical form, students shade in objects to reflect the number provided…
Count the legs on the animals pictured to teach basic addition facts. Students will practice adding two, three, or four…
Children demonstrate their ability to count forwards and backwards from 0 to 20 in this printable worksheet. They write…
Students practice addition by finding the missing addend in each number sentence. They can use any method they wish to…
Students count the backwards steps of a frog to complete simple horizontal subtraction problems. Then, they use mental…
Place value is reviewed in this printable math worksheet. Students count the number of squares in the tens and ones…
Children demonstrate their ability to count forwards and backwards from 0 to 10 in this printable worksheet. They write…
Count by 2s, 5s, and 10s to connect the dots on this transportation-themed math worksheet. Numbers up to 200 are used…
Reinforce the concept of place value with this printable worksheet. Students count the number of objects in the "tens"…
To demonstrate mastery of spelling out numbers from 0 to 20, students count the number of letters in the picture, then…
Give students practice counting by ones with this printable math worksheet. Students count forwards and backwards by one…
Students count forward or backward by 10s in this math worksheet to determine which numbers are missing in each set.
Count by 1s, 10s, and 100s in this printable math worksheet. This skill-building worksheet will test students' knowledge…
In this printable worksheet, students demonstrate knowledge of even numbers when they count by twos from 0 to 30.
By crossing out a certain number of objects pictured, and counting how many objects are left, students demonstrate the…
Coins and the value of money are covered in this printable math worksheet. Students match a picture of a coin with its…
Try a math activity that focuses on skip counting by five's to 100.
Students find the missing parts in pictures.