This measurement printable contains images of a centimeter ruler, an inch ruler, and a protractor. Use these…
Try a math activity that focuses on your students understanding the different shapes in geometry. Your students will…
Check students' understanding of geometric concepts with this worksheet. Students are asked to identify polygons by…
Introduce students to various polygons and types of quadrilaterals with this geometry worksheet. Students will learn the…
Introduce the concept of volume, and give students practice finding volumes of cubes. To find the volume of some of the…
Distribute this packet of worksheets to build students' critical thinking skills.
After teaching students about lines of symmetry, use this geometry worksheet to give them practice identifying lines of…
Use this printable pattern with your students to help them construct their own rectangular prism to demonstrate their…
Use this printable pattern with your students to help them construct their own triangular prism to demonstrate their…
Develop students' understanding of area with this math worksheet. Students multiply the length and width of each square…
Use this printable pattern with your students to help them construct their own cylinder to demonstrate their…
Further students' knowledge of geometric figures with this worksheet about triangles. Students are introduced to…
Use this 1-cm square/diagonal grid to teach students about measurement. Trace shapes on to this printable grid and use…
Explore the shapes, colors, and angles in the artwork of Piet Mondrian with literature-based math and art activities for…
Integrate mathematics with art through literature-based activities on perspective for Madlenka by Peter Sis and Zoom by…
Review the geometric concept of congruency, and give students practice identifying congruent triangles in this geometry…
Your students will enjoy learning about measurement and geometric shapes with these printable tangram pieces and mosaic…
Use this pattern to construct a cube.
Use this printable pattern with your students to help them construct their own hexagon to demonstrate their…
Here is a printable sheet of a circle with every five degrees marked by a tick that you can use with your students. This…
Give students practice finding the perimeter of squares and rectangles, with this geometry worksheet.
Students identify, count, and draw lines of symmetry in this geometry worksheet. Use a mirror to help students…
Review the method for finding the area of squares and rectangles with the practice problems in this geometry worksheet.
Review the method for finding the perimeter of squares and rectangles with the practice problems in this geometry…