Try a math activity that focuses on your students understanding the different shapes in geometry. Your students will…
Try a math activity that focuses on matching shapes.
Students draw each 2-dimensional shape named in this worksheet.
Give students practice recognizing patterns with this worksheet. Students use the information provided to determine the…
Students will practice using shapes and basic addition facts.
Students are asked to solve geometric riddles using word clues. This worksheet also practices drawing 2-dimensional…
Students try to determine the pattern in groups of geometric shapes.
Use this printable math daily warm-up to reinforce your students' skills with geometric figures and probability.
Print this worksheet that includes examples of pattern blocks and geometric shapes for your students. This is a great…
Students are asked to study some designs and determine whether they are symmetrical.
In this worksheet, students are asked to show two ways to draw fourths using multiple colors. Next, students are asked…
Students are asked to identify which rectangles are divided into fourths and which are divided into thirds.
Students are shown nine flags and asked to draw lines dividing them into halves.
In this worksheet, students are asked to divide the same shape in three different ways.
Students are given several shapes and asked to draw a line through the shape to divide it in half.
Students are given different shapes that have been cut by lines. They must determine if the lines have divided the…
Students are shown a geoblock and two smaller half blocks. They must visualize and circle which of the smaller blocks is…
Students are asked to draw rectangles on graph paper. Next, they color in half of the rectangle they have drawn.
Using graph paper, students are asked to design and describe their own rectangles in terms of rows and columns.
Students are asked to draw the rectangle that solves the riddle. They must also recognize the biggest rectangle.
Using graph paper, students are asked to follow directions for building a rectangle. They must write how many squares…
Using graph paper, students draw rectangles with 7 squares and 16 squares.
Students must count the squares in each rectangle to determine which is smallest and biggest. They must also determine…
Students must determine a rule categorizing each of the geometric shapes provided.