Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, New Year's Day, Cinco de Mayo, and birthdays are covered in this mini-book.
Teach children how to say "thank you" in many different languages. This printable provides an excellent activity for…
Students use their critical thinking skills to unscramble names in foreign languages and complete this challenging…
Browse a printable teacher resource book of activities that focuses on the diversity of American culture. Students can…
Island of the Blue Dolphins tells the story of an American Indian girl stranded on an island, alone, for 18 years. This…
Students will consider the kinds of human activity we define as war, what activities we might describe as warlike, and…
This easy and fun craft activity was inspired by Native Americans of the Southwest. Include this resource in your…
Use this guide to help you address the issues involved when introducing Native American music and culture to your class.
This Reading Group Guide for Amina's Voice includes a variety of discussion questions that touch on common…
Using this printable, you and your students can prepare and share a variety of recipes from the countries representing…
Who is your favourite athlete? In this printable worksheet, students will research famous Australian athletes, including…
Reinforce key concepts about your home country, with this printable. Students answer a variety of country-specific…
This practical teaching resource gives you 5 teacher-tested strategies to help you include cultural diversity in the…
The Keeping Quilt is a multi-generational story that follows a beloved quilt from one family member to another. The…
Use this resource to help students learn how Americans are indebted to Natives Americans for many cultural…
This worksheet is to be used in conjunction with the Wampanoag Thanksgiving lesson plan. It reviews facts about the…
Use a music lesson that helps students understand drum rhythms, performing as a group, and improvising melodies from…
What were the origins of the first Thanksgiving? Students will look to the Wampanoag Indians' meaning of Thanksgiving…
One craft unique to the natives of the Northwest Coast is the making of blankets decorated with mother-of-pearl buttons.…
In this printable reading warm-up, students learn about the life of an explorer. Use this short biography on Sacagawea…
Increase students' awareness of global issues with lesson planning ideas on diversity that unite art and culture.
In this music activity, students learn about Native American culture and make their own instruments: drums, rattles, and…
Connect mathematics and social studies with activities for Do You Know What Time It Is? by Robert E. Wells (about…
Students create imaginative stories with the flavor of cultural mythology.