Discover the magic of Walt Disney while improving students' nonfiction reading skills. This printable warm-up includes a…
Deepen students' understanding of the stories in Amelia to Zora, about 26 women who changed the world, from Amelia…
In this lesson, students will do independent research to learn more about the invention of the automobile and assembly…
In this printable reading warm-up, students read a short biography on Henry Ford and answer reading comprehension…
Help students master important nonfiction reading skills with an informational text on segregation and reading…
Improve students' reading skills and knowledge of World War II. This printable warm-up includes a passage about Pearl…
Girls interview extraordinary women, host a talk show, discuss their talents, and explore careers in this collection of…
Teach your pupils about the millions of children throughout the world who are orphaned or homeless due to poverty, war,…
Celebrate 50 years of adventure with games and printables featuring detective Leroy Brown, a.k.a Encyclopedia Brown.…
Increase students' knowledge of baseball history with this printable biography on Babe Ruth and reading comprehension…
Improve students' reading skills and their knowledge of immigration in American history. This printable contains a…
Did you know Nintendo got its industrial start making playing cards in 1889? Check out this timeline (1889-1972) to…
Review hockey scores and statistics from 1972, when Team Canada defeated the Soviet National Team. This article includes…
Read this biography to learn about comedian Groucho Marx. Then, have children form their own comedy teams and share…
Introduce young students to the work of Nobel prize-winning writer Toni Morrison in Remember, a narrated pictorial…
Promote thoughtful discussion on race, language, civil rights, and diversity with this printable discussion guide for…
Children will use library references and the Internet to answer questions about the career and accomplishments of Lester…
Teach pupils about the many significant achievements in the life of Winston Churchill with this printable research and…
Improve pupils' creative writing skills and teach them about Malta's plight during World War II with this printable…
Teach pupils about life on the Great Plains in the early 1900s through literature. This teacher's guide to Sarah, Plain…
Encourage critical thinking and discussion with comprehension questions for Kristine Levine's The Best Bad Luck I Ever…
SOS is the international distress signal, which is expressed in Morse Code. Come up with a slogan for SOS day, using the…
Students can practice social studies vocabulary relevant to 20th-century explorers by reading the definition and using…
Teach students about the race to space as they master important reading skills. This printable warm-up includes a…