This creative writing assignment challenges students to write from the perspective of an inanimate object. They will use…
Extends students' learning experience reading literature. Students will use this printable worksheet to describe in…
Explore character traits with your students using this character trait observations graphic organizer. This character…
Definitions of words that help students write different types of essays.
Kids fill-in autobiographical information in this worksheet to tell others about themselves. Use this worksheet at the…
Use writing prompts to get children's imaginations and writing skills flowing. This is a sample page from the Gr. 1-4…
The foundations of journalistic writing are examined here, including a focus on the "5 W's and 1 H" and the difference…
Dear Teacher...This is an easy, visual way to identify the parts of a letter! Sincerely, TeacherVision This colorful…
Easily-adaptable example of a classic story format Students learn how to write "Choose Your Own Adventure" stories by…
Use this printable to have students create their own back to school Mad Libs® stories. Students supply key words (nouns,…
Use this graphic organizer to brainstorm. This printable is customizable. Tailor the PDF to your teaching needs by…
This printable word processing lesson provides a creative writing activity. Students use story starters to type complete…
Students use their critical thinking skills to unscramble names in foreign languages and complete this challenging…
Organizing the who, what, where, when, why, and how of an event is the goal of this graphic organizer. This printable is…
Students get to know each other through a poetry writing activity.
Learn how you can use Mad Libs© in your classroom to teach reading and language arts. These activities are a fun way to…
Encourage students to create an original story based on an existing text. After reading a selected story, students…
Students create postcards that reflect a summer happening. They use a pen name to sign it and the rest of the class has…
Help students to go beyond a spell check by using this in-depth checklist for grammar, usage, mechanics, and spelling…
Use this template when writing a bio poem, a great format for students to write creatively about themselves and get to…
This collection of ideas will help students to love poetry from creation to recitation.
Help your students tell their own stories! Use this printable writing packet to teach students how to write a personal…
Students view photographs of immigrants (included in this printable), pretend they are recent immigrants to America, and…
Students will write a one page report from the point of view of an Olympic athlete and present it as an oral report to…