Definitions of words that help students write different types of essays.
The foundations of journalistic writing are examined here, including a focus on the "5 W's and 1 H" and the difference…
Encourage students to observe details by asking specific and pointed questions about various works of art.
Help students identify main idea and supporting details with this printable graphic organizer. This printable is…
Organizing the who, what, where, when, why, and how of an event is the goal of this graphic organizer. This printable is…
Cursive Writing A to Z Workbook This cursive writing A to Z workbook is a great aid to teach your students how to…
Students will write a one page report from the point of view of an Olympic athlete and present it as an oral report to…
This printable activity book gives children the opportunity to practice writing and connecting the lowercase and capital…
The object of this graphic organizer is to identify the main idea and supporting details in a text that is being read.…
How to use footnotes and endnotes in a research paper.
This self-assessment asks children to analyze their recent work with an eye on improving their future projects.
This graphic organizer will help students cluster their ideas; it's especially useful as a prewriting tool. We've…
Find tips for writing an essay, from scheduling and time-management to outlining to revision.
Tips for revising the first draft of a research paper.
Teach sequence and storytelling skills with this activity. Students will create an illustrated four-panel story related…
Enhance your instruction about story development with this graphic organizer that can be used for prewriting or to…
Students will write a letter to the editor of a newspaper in reaction to the bicycle helmet safety issue. This is an…
How to identify important information and take useful notes for a research paper.
Phrases about money often employ similes, which are comparative statements using "like" or "as."
Encourage your class to create goals and plan for the year ahead with this new year's resolution activity for elementary…
Encourage students to follow the step-by-step directions for writing an essay.
Suggestions for revising the first draft of an essay.
Students demonstrate their grammar knowledge and improve capitalization skills with worksheets and lessons. All of these…
Develop composition skills with this writing activity about the importance of grandparents. This printable will be a…