Growing up in the Hispanic section of Chicago, main character Esperanza Cordero shares with readers her feelings and…
Explore this resource with teaching activities that will extend students' understanding and appreciation of The Color of…
In this project, students will research a notable African-American scientist and then create a social media account for…
Words and rhythm notation for a Nanticoke women's dance, in Native American call-and-response form.
Enhance understanding with a teaching guide that offers suggestions for talking to your students about civil and human…
This practical teaching resource gives you 5 teacher-tested strategies to help you include cultural diversity in the…
Reference this chart of the regional music styles of Native American tribes.
Enhance understanding and diversity awareness with a teaching guide that offers reading ideas about Hispanic heritage…
Enhance understanding with a teaching guide that offers books about African-American history and culture appropriate for…
Use this discussion guide to integrate the young adult novel Girls Like Us into classroom learning and independent…
Women's History Month is not just a great opportunity to teach students about the important female figures from history…
Distribute a guide that is helpful with the transcriptions of Native American lyrics and vocables.
Enhance understanding of the Holocaust with a teaching guide that offers resources for discussing the horrific event. …
Use the questions in this reading guide to spark discussion about the family and community pressure the main character…
Celebrate diversity in your reading selections. Browse these titles for middle grade and young adult readers to find…
Have your students read facts about why the Native Americans population dropped in the eighteenth century and have them…
The use of symbols, like the Confederate Flag, can either empower an individual or offend them. In this lesson students…
A chart listing the self-reported ancestry of U.S. residents, according to the 2000 census.
Did you know that there are more than 1,000 languages spoken in Africa? To learn more, view this article.
A chart listing the fifty most widely spoken languages in the world.
A brief article about Alice Walker.
A brief article about Ralph Johnson Bunche, the first African American to win a Nobel Prize.
A brief article about abolitionist Frederick Douglass.
An article defining and explaining Kwanzaa, the African-American holiday of culture.