Use this comprehensive packet with your students to strengthen reading comprehension and vocabulary. Included in the…
This list of recommended vacation reading for secondary students is provided by Penguin Young Readers Group and Dorling…
Explore this resource with teaching activities that will extend students' understanding and appreciation of The Color of…
Students read and analyze a poem by Jose Garcia Villa.
60+ chapter-by-chapter study questions for easy exam, quiz, or assignment creation This collection of questions for The…
In King Lear, by William Shakespeare, Lear retires from the monarchy and gives all power to his three daughters,…
Using a story map helps children to identify key elements in a story such as characters or events. This printable is…
Enhance understanding with a teaching guide for using audio cassettes or CDs includes suggested teaching tips that…
This gallery of high school literature features challenged and banned books for young adults. Learn why each book was…
Students read and respond to literary selections that either portray the Harlem jazz scene or were written during the…
Enrich your science, history, or English curriculum with the resources in this teacher's guide for Team Moon, the story…
The focus of this guide on Jules Verne's Journey to the Center of the Earth is to place students in the exciting roles…
The organization, elements of literary analysis/interpretation writing, grammar, usage, mechanics, and spelling of a…
This extensive list details books for both children and adults that deal with disabilities. The books are sorted by…
Enhance understanding with a teaching guide that offers teaching activities, chapter summaries, chapter questions,…
Use a teacher guide to provide teaching activities to be used with The Pact by Drs. Sampson Davis, George Jenkins, and…
Use a teaching guide that helps students analyze the elements of poetry, their responses to the selection, and the craft…
Use a teaching guide that includes a synopsis of Sense and Sensibility, great discussion questions, and Web links.
In this excerpt from Teach Like Your Hair's on Fire, Rafe Esquith discusses discipline and how punishments should fit…
Create a summer reading list students will look forward to with book recommendations by grade, reading level, and theme.…
Find questions, exercises, and assignments designed to guide students' reading of Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath while…
Discover brief discussion techniques of plot, character development and theme employed by Steinbeck in his brief…
This three-day lesson digs deeper into poetic and literary critical thinking by having students read grade-level lexiled…
Use this comprehensive teachers' guide on Wuthering Heights to assist you in teaching this great work, with discussion…