Discover a geometry lesson that is integrated with history and art to engage even the most math resistant of your…
No math class is complete without centimeter graph paper! This sheet of centimeter graph paper is ready to be filled…
A math class must-have! Use this ready-to-use sheet of isometric dot paper with students for various mathematical…
Your students can create their own artwork with this printable on creating tessellations, a supplement to the Lesson…
Use these activities with students over the school break to work on their skills with money, time, shapes, and…
Try a math activity that focuses on your students understanding the different shapes in geometry. Your students will…
Reproduce the art of Piet Mondrian with basic geometry, color, and imagination.
Use this table as they explore geometric shapes, their sides, and their corners to enhance your geometry instruction.…
Use this printable sheet of unlabeled pattern blocks and geometric shapes with your students. You can incorporate these…
Celebrated on March 14th (3.14), Pi Day is an exciting day for lovers of mathematics everywhere. This choice board is…
Reinforce students' learning of geometric shapes and colors by making tissue paper sun catchers.
This choice board is a great way for your students to practice geometry. They will demonstrate understanding of angles,…
Sheet of quarter-inch graph paper.
Students must plot vegetables in a garden according to space required.
Explore an activity that builds skills in identifying shapes.
Use attributes to explore grouping like and unlike attributes with your students. This sheet can be adapted to meet the…
Use this ready -to-use sheet of square dot paper with your students in a variety of activites and lessons. This is a…
This printable sheet illustrates fractions of geometric shapes and can be used in a variety of lessons and activities…
Geometry is the study of two- and three-dimensional figures. It includes defining the different figures, as well as…
Students are asked to build a model out of cubes and to determine volume in cube units. Visual representations are used…
A printable sheet of labeled solid geometric shapes.
Use this 1-cm square/diagonal grid to teach students about measurement. Trace shapes on to this printable grid and use…
Develop math skills with an activity that focuses on symmetry.
Distribute this packet of worksheets to review basic geometry rules.