Fun art projects will keep students engaged in learning during the summer. With this packet, kids can use paper and…
Teach your students about earthquakes while improving their reading comprehension skills. This printable warm-up…
Summer reading for grades 3-5, with activities! Pick any book from this list of the best kids' books and your students…
Use writing prompts to get children's imaginations and writing skills flowing. This is a sample page from the Gr. 1-4…
Practice math skills with worksheets all about summer fun. These activities cover arithmetic, graphing, fractions,…
Build a volcano using common kitchen supplies. This fun science activity is perfect for National Chemistry Week…
Use these activities with students over the school break to work on their skills with money, time, shapes, and…
In this science lesson plan, elementary students will learn about dinosaurs that were meat eaters versus plant eaters,…
This printable science activity focuses on fossil facts, allowing students to learn about fossils by writing vocabulary…
Grow herbs indoors all year by creating a mini-greenhouse.
Hand out a printable that is a perfect place to find ideas to get your students to use math during their summer…
Use this educational worksheet to teach children about non-renewable and renewable energy resources. In this activity,…
View this collection of our favorite summer-themed activities, lessons, and printables. Click through the slideshow to…
Learn about ocean currents around the world. In this weather worksheet, students read about El Niño and use the…
Students work together to solve several word problems with a rain forest theme.
Try a printable science activity that focuses on volcano words.
Students make a brachiosaurus out of paper plates. This is a fun arts and crafts activity for International Dinosaur…
Try a printable science activity that focuses on facts about volcanoes.
Use a printable that contains information about some species of endangered animals.
Quiz students on climates, animal adaptations, and climate change with the multiple-choice questions in this printable.
A crossword puzzle on animal habitats.
This printable guide of fun and educational activities will prepare your child during the summer for the third-grade…
Students will practice their predicting and measuring skills by comparing the size of a blue whale to various objects.
Try a printable science activity that focuses on learning about dinosaurs.