Get to know your students by making a classroom giving tree. To introduce this activity, you'll read Shel Silverstein's…
Celebrate International Dot Day with these creative activities! International Dot Day, based on best-selling author…
This activity kit for Aaron Becker's "wordless" picture books consists of printables, activities and a guide for reading…
Introduce students to the life and philosophy of Henry David Thoreau through the Henry Bear picture books and related…
Create crazy hairdos for Stanley Birdbaum and his classmates with fun extension activities for Crazy Hair Day! These…
A word search, drawing and coloring sheets, and a fill-in-the-blank story activity will extend students' enjoyment of…
Students will love reading The Story of Ferdinand, the tale of a bull who follows his heart to find happiness. This…
This Where's Waldo activity kit includes a reproducible colouring page, a drawing activity, a word search, and…
Use this activity kit to extend your class reading of The Little Engine That Could, now freshly illustrated by Loren…
Extend students' enjoyment of the Judy Moody series with a word search, a "Me collage," a Crazy Strip art activity, and…
Celebrate the works of British novelist Roald Dahl with 50 fun suggestions for Roald Dahl Day (September 13). Print the…
Create your own silly story with this Mad-Lib type activity for The Witches by Roald Dahl. Review the parts of speech…
Keep children involved in learning about nutrition with these activities for Good Enough to Eat by Lizzy Rockwell. This…
Charlotte's Web has been loved by generations of children! This is the tale of Charlotte the spider, and her efforts to…
This teaching guide for the picture book Those Shoes provides read-aloud guidance, extension and writing activities, and…
Summer vacation means plenty of time for students to catch up on their reading! Print out this list of suggested fiction…
Find everything you need to teach lessons on mysteries, character development, vocabulary and story writing with this…
This teaching guide for A Bike Like Sergio's includes discussion questions, vocabulary builders, and standards-aligned…
This gallery features banned or challenged children's books. Each slide also features a related literature resource to…
Learning how to draw a stegosaurus is fun with the step-by-step directions in this printable coloring page from Ralph…
The questions and activities in this literature guide will help your class discuss friendship, homelessness, and what it…
Get students excited about ancient history with these printable worksheets for Mythology: The Gods, Heroes, and Monsters…
Deepen students' understanding of the stories in Amelia to Zora, about 26 women who changed the world, from Amelia…
Connect music and literature with these printable lyrics to "Ten Little Monkeys". Children are sure to enjoy learning…