Students use their critical thinking skills to unscramble names in foreign languages and complete this challenging…
These real-life word problems involving units of measure and money require children to multiply or divide to find the…
Students work together to solve several word problems with a rain forest theme.
Distribute this packet of worksheets to give students practice in using charts and graphs to answer word problems.
These real-life word problems test whether children know when to add and when to subtract. Some difficult vocabulary…
These real-life word problems require children to multiply or divide to find the solutions.
Practicing their math skills, students use multiplication and division to solve real-life word problems in this…
Use this printable checklist to monitor students' use of the problem-solving process. Help students understand the steps…
This printable math worksheet features word problems requiring skills in multiplication, division, addition, and…
Students practice their bar graph reading skills by interpreting the information provided and answering questions on…
Read the clues to solve the logic problems in this printable math worksheet. Children can use guess-and-check to find…
Use this matching math activity with your students. In this worksheet, children are asked to write equations based on…
Distribute this packet of worksheets to give students practice in using division to answer word problems.
Estimate to find the answers to the word problems in this math worksheet. Children should use a compatible number—one…
This 3rd grade mathematics video from Genius Plaza covers word problems. Students will learn how to spot the "clues"…
The SIR Right strategy guide helps children tackle math word problems in a systematic and consistent way.
This printable math worksheet features multiplication and division word problems. To complete the exercises, children…
Reinforce your students' arithmetic skills with this printable daily warm-up on mathematical operations.
Inside this slideshow, you'll find many skill-building math worksheets and activities. This slideshow will show you a…
Develop math skills with an activity that focuses on the basic steps to solving problems.
Develop math skills with an activity that focuses on addition story problems.
Develop math skills with an activity that focuses on subtraction problem solving.
Students are asked to build a model out of cubes and to determine volume in cube units. Visual representations are used…
Students explore probability by flipping a penny.