Be prepared when you need to document parent contact and keep your documentation in one place and organized. Use this telephone log to write down dates, times, and topics of telephone conversations with students' parents.
Featured High School Resources
Reading Differentiation Strategies and Activities for High School
Close learning gaps this Fall with differentiated reading instruction
This resource provides 5 strategies and 3 editabl...
Math Differentiation and Remediation Strategies for High School
Close learning gaps with differentiated and remediated math instruction
This resource provides 5 strategies for how to ...
Writing Differentiation Strategies and Activities for High School
Close learning gaps this Fall with differentiated writing instruction
This resource provides 5 strategies and 2 editabl...
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Resourcing -- Time Log Analysis
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Resourcing -- Time Log
Use this printable to log how you are currently delegating your time as a resource teacher.
Daily Food Log Printable
Improve your physical wellness by eating and drinking well.
Sleep Log Template
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Weekly Food Log Printable
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Spanish Vocabulary Challenge: Telephone Call
In this printable vocabulary challenge, students arrange Spanish phrases to explain how to make a telephone call.