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Our bodies have many complex, highly interconnected bioelectrical circuits, which allow us to sense and react to changes in the environment -- thus allowing us to behave as we do. Students will observe the behavior of simple robots and then study a highly simplified sensing circuit in order to analyze its operations.

Scientist Teacher Education Partnership Program

Scientist Teacher Education Partnership Program (STEPP)

Brain Science CurriculumGrades 3 and 4Brain Science CurriculumGrades 5 and 6

Scientists at the Shriver Center, University of Massachusetts Medical School in Waltham, Massachusetts, in collaboration with local elementary school educators and administrators have developed a neurobehavioral science education curriculum for use with children in grades 3-6. The Scientist Teacher Education Partnership Program (STEPP) began in 1998 through a grant funded by the Science Education Partnership Awards (SEPA) program of the Division of Clinical Research of the National Center for Research Resources (NCRR/NIH).

The goal of the STEPP project is to enhance science literacy by providing elementary and middle school students with innovative learning experiences that will establish the foundation for broad, socially connected understanding of how the brain works and how brain functioning relates to behavior. In designing the curriculum we have taken advantage of the environment and resources of the Shriver Center, a center of interdisciplinary scientific research training, and clinical service.

Funding provided by NIH-NCRR, Grant # 1R25RR13433, the Eunice Kennedy Shriver Center, University of Massachusetts Medical School and private donors.© Shriver Center, University of Massachusetts Medical School, 2005.

Featured Middle School Resources

Geography Activities for Middle School


Geography Activities for Middle School

Help students explore the world and develop their geography knowledge with this packet of geography activities for middl...

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Test Prep Strategies and Practice for Students


Test Prep Strategies, Tools, and Practice Questions

Help set your students up for academic success with this packet of test-taking tips, test preparation strategies, and pr...

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Exit Tickets for Middle School Classrooms


Exit Tickets for Middle School Classrooms

Exit tickets are a form of assessment that are often used informally to assess how well students grasped a lesson, what ...

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STEPP Robotics Lesson Comparing Robots and Humans


Comparing Humans and Robots

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Technology Vocabulary Worksheet for 6th Grade Science


Computers and Robots Vocabulary Worksheet for 6th Grade Science

This 6th grade science worksheet features a vocabulary list covering computers and robots.

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