Step 9 in the framework for adapting language arts, social studies, and science materials in the inclusive classroom.

Step 9: Fade the Adaptation When Possible

Adaptations usually are short-term solutions offered to a student toallow classroom learning and participation until the needed skills andstrategies can be taught. Once an adaptation is in place, the teachershould begin to plan with other teachers regarding how to teach theneeded skills and strategies. Once the student has learned the necessary skills and strategies, the adaptation should be faded.

Table 1 gives examples of short-term adaptations and long-term instructional goals. The adaptation should not be removed until the student has been taught the required skill or strategy to learn and complete tasks independently. For some students, an adaptation may berequired for several months, while for others it may be maintained foryears. For still other students, the IEP may indicate that other instructional goals are more important than teaching the independent skillsand strategies enabled by the adaptation.

For these students, the adaptation may become a permanent accommodation and will be required for high school and in postsecondary life experiences. In a case such as this, the student should be taught how the adaptation is implemented, how to advocate use of the accommodation, and the legal right toaccommodations related to his or her disability.

More on Adapting L.A., S.S., and Science Materials for the Inclusive Classroom.

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