Step 1: Create a Plan for Adapting Materials
Adapting materials is just one part of an overall plan for students withdisabilities; to be effective, the adaptations will require sustaineddevelopment and support. Decisions must be made within the framework of a larger plan that includes consideration of basic and strategicskills instruction and the roles of those involved in the adaptationprocess. In planning for materials adaptations, it is important to do the following:
- Involve your administrator and curriculum or program coordinator from the beginning of the plan.
- Identify exactly who will be responsible for making, implementing, supporting, and evaluating the adaptation over the course ofthe year. Remember, adaptations that can benefit an entire class orseveral classes are more likely to be supported and maintained.
- Enlist local business people and parents to assist and support you.
- As much as possible, involve students, clerical staff, counselors,administrators, librarians, volunteers, and paraprofessionals.Everyone plays an important part in making adaptations work ina school.
- Use workshops and other means of dissemination to informadministrators, other teachers, and parents about the differenttypes of adaptations and collaborative models that support students.
The questions in Figure 1 can provide guidance in developing aplan to implement adaptations in your school.
More on Adapting L.A., S.S., and Science Materials for the Inclusive Classroom.