Step 8: Implement, Evaluate, and Adjust the Adaptation
Once a student has been taught how to use the adaptation, it should beused systematically. Then instruction should begin with strategies thatwill gradually increase the student's independence and make the adaptation less necessary.
As the adaptation is implemented, the teacher should evaluate itseffect to determine whether the desired outcomes are beingachieved. For example, if a study guide has been developed to help thestudent retrieve information from the text, the evaluation should focuson whether the student can now answer the questions about the textcorrectly. If not, adjustments will be needed in the study guide or inhow the student is using the study guide. The use of adaptations shouldsignificantly reduce failure and learning difficulties. If an adaptationdoes not do this, then the previous steps may need to be revisited.
More on Adapting L.A., S.S., and Science Materials for the Inclusive Classroom.