Scheduling: Specific Time of Day
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Tests or subtests may be scheduled during a particular time of day. This accommodation often is requested for students who, due to their disability or treatment, may bemore alert at certain times.
Generally, students who require this accommodation take the test in a separate setting so they do not distract other students, or so they will not be distracted.
- Review a calendar to determine the schedule for the test.
- Make sure that enoughtime is available for the student to complete the test.
- Assuming that the student is taking the test at a time different from his or her peers,it is important to plan how he or she will receive appropriate instruction duringnon-testing time.
- Share the schedule with the student and his or her family.
- Make sure youhave not scheduled testing times that conflict with important classroom instructionor with activities that are of high interest to the student (e.g., the student will miss aspecial assembly).
Consider any potential security issues (e.g., the possibility that a student who takesa test early may share information about the test with classmates who have yet totake the test).
Excerpted from Assessment Accommodations Toolkit.