Scheduling: Over Several Days
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A common accommodation is to administer the test in several sessions over severaldays. For example, a teacher may give one subtest on Monday and another on Tues-day, rather than giving it in its entirety on Monday. Or, the teacher may give the teston a specific day.
Generally, students who require this accommodation take the test in a separate set-ting so they will not distract other students - and so they will not be distracted.
- Review a calendar to determine the schedule for the test. The key is to meet thestudent's needs while not significantly interrupting the sequence of the test. A reasonable place to stop an assessment for the day is at the end of asubtest.
- Some experts caution against interrupting a subtest at all, so it is wiseto check with your district before providing that as an option.
- Share the schedule with the student and his or her family.
- Make sure youhave not scheduled testing times that conflict with important classroom instructionor with activities that are of high interest to the student (e.g., the student will miss afield trip).
A student who must take a test over several days may experience a decline in motivation. Student absenteeism also may become a factor if several days of testing arescheduled.
Excerpted from Assessment Accommodations Toolkit.