Presentation: Magnifying/Amplification Devices
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Students who have difficulty seeing may use magnifying devices to read directionsand test items. There are a variety of magnification tools, in any case, the studentshould use the one with which he or she is most comfortable.
Some students may require amplification equipment as well as a hearing aid. Forexample, a teacher may use an amplification system to give large-group instructions.
- Check to see what devices students need and make sure they are in excellent working order on the day of the test.
- If the adult who is proctoring the test is unfamiliarwith the use of a particular tool, allow ample time for training.
Students who use magnification devices may tire more easily than other students. Ifthis is the case for a particular student, it may be necessary to extend the time periodor provide additional breaks.
Excerpted from Assessment Accommodations Toolkit.