Students determine how many 1's make up a 10.
A hundreds chart is used to show the alternating pattern of odd and even numbers, and students are asked to extend the…
Introduce basic multiplication with this printable math worksheet. Students count sets of objects to determine the final…
This measurement printable contains images of a centimeter ruler, an inch ruler, and a protractor. Use these…
Introduce the concepts of "greater than" and "less than" to complete this math worksheet. Students are given a set of…
The main purpose of collecting data is to answer questions whose answers are not immediately obvious. Learn some tips on…
Number sense involves understanding numbers; knowing how to write and represent numbers in different ways; recognizing…
To continue each number pattern in this math worksheet, students determine which number to add to or subtract from the…
Students will review identifying and writing the number that is one more or one less than a given one or two-digit…
This math worksheet gives students practice reading and writing large numbers.
To complete the first part of this math worksheet, students round the numbers to the leading digit, then estimate the…
Use this printable math daily warm-up to reinforce your students' number and numeration skills.
Review students' understanding of place value with this worksheet. Students write each group of two- and three-digit…
In this first part of this math worksheet, children practice writing large numbers in word form, omitting zeros. In the…
You'll find many worksheets inside this slideshow that will reinforce the skills your students are learning in the…
Review the numbers 1 through 20 in this connect-the-dots activity. When the worksheet is completed, children will see a…
Practice base ten in this worksheet. Students read the number, write it out, then draw a picture of blocks to represent…
Identify the patterns in this printable math worksheet by continuing the number sequences. Patterns require children to…
In this exercise, children count the coins and write the total amount of money they have in each problem. Students can…
Students compare numbers using a number line.
In this number sequencing exercise, students identify the pattern of numbers and complete it by filling in the missing…
Students apply their knowledge of math concepts to answer questions about a picture. This worksheet reviews key math…
Review odd and even numbers, then complete this printable math worksheet. Students will add even numbers to other even…