To encourage critical reading, teachers should ask students questions about the text before, during, and after they…
There are ten warm-ups for your students in this packet that was created by an English teacher and grammar expert. Each…
Use this printable to have students create their own back to school Mad Libs® stories. Students supply key words (nouns,…
This grammar warm-up packet contains ten warm-ups for your high school students. Each warm-up is designed to take…
Use Mad Libs® books to supplement your English language arts curriculum. They're a fun and engaging way to teach kids…
An essential, must-have rubric for language arts classes The organization, elements of summaries, grammar, usage,…
Give students practice identifying sentence types. This language arts printable ask students to indicate whether a…
In this printable activity packet and lesson plan, students learn "Rules to Remember" for adjectives, then practice…
The organization, elements of literary analysis/interpretation writing, grammar, usage, mechanics, and spelling of a…
The story is out of order! Arrange the sentences in the correct sequence.
Week 19: Word analogies to sharpen students' thinking skills and prepare them for standardized tests.
In this writing activity, students focus on writing complete sentences to describe an image. Use this printable in a…
Help students to go beyond a spell check by using this in-depth checklist for grammar, usage, mechanics, and spelling…
Focus on adjectives with this printable word-usage activity.
The organization, elements of comparison/contrast writing, grammar, usage, mechanics, and spelling of a written piece…
Know the punctuation you need in every situation. This grammar song explains when to use commas, parentheses,…
Listen to this grammar song to get an explanation of three forms of punctuation: commas, quotations, and parentheses.
The organization, elements of response to literature writing, grammar, usage, mechanics, and spelling of a written piece…
Practice identifying prepositions with this worksheet.
The organization, elements of resume and cover letter writing, grammar, usage, mechanics, and spelling of a written…
Students learn about helping verbs through a series of jokes and riddles in this grammar lesson and activity. Included…
This grammar warm-up packet contains ten warm-ups for your elementary students. Each warm-up is designed to take…
Use this grammar activity to help students understand the concept of subject-verb agreement. In this worksheet,…
Create your own silly story with this Mad-Lib type activity for The Witches by Roald Dahl. Review the parts of speech…