To continue each number pattern in this math worksheet, students determine which number to add to or subtract from the…
Review the numbers 1 through 20 in this connect-the-dots activity. When the worksheet is completed, children will see a…
Identify the patterns in this printable math worksheet by continuing the number sequences. Patterns require children to…
In this number sequencing exercise, students identify the pattern of numbers and complete it by filling in the missing…
To practice adding and subtracting the number one, students must count, draw, and write "1 more" or "1 less" than the…
In this worksheet, students need to continue each number pattern. In order to do so, students need to determine what…
Practice writing the numbers 1 through 20, in this math worksheet. Children must fill in the missing numbers written on…
Children demonstrate their ability to count forwards and backwards from 0 to 20 in this printable worksheet. They write…
These connect-the-dot activities use numbers from 0 to 40. To complete the first dinosaur picture, students must count…
Children demonstrate their ability to count forwards and backwards from 0 to 10 in this printable worksheet. They write…
To recognize missing numbers in a list from 0 to 50, students must decide what numbers are "hiding" behind the snakes.
Count by 2s, 5s, and 10s to connect the dots on this transportation-themed math worksheet. Numbers up to 200 are used…
Students identify and complete the decreasing number patterns in this printable math worksheet. Patterns require…
Count by 1s, 10s, and 100s in this printable math worksheet. This skill-building worksheet will test students' knowledge…
In this printable worksheet, students demonstrate knowledge of even numbers when they count by twos from 0 to 30.
Continue the number patterns in this printable math worksheet. Point out that some of the patterns show an increase and…
To continue each row of numbers, students count by 3s, 4s, or 5s to determine the pattern. Children should be able to…
See what operation turns the first number into the second number, and the second number in to the third number. Then,…
Students are given numbers 1-20 and are asked to circle specific numbers. Then they must fill in the missing numbers in…
Students count forward from 1 to 12 to complete this connect-the-dot picture. Then, they create their own dot-to-dot…
Help students learn and remember the second part of the six times table. In this math worksheet, students complete…
Help students learn and remember the second part of the seven times table. In this math worksheet, students complete…
Students demonstrate knowledge of all the numbers from 1 to 100 in this printable math worksheet. They must find which…
Children show they can count by ones from 0 to 30 in this printable math worksheet. An ordered list of numbers is given,…