Have students complete this multiplication worksheet to reinforce the 3s time table. Students will count in 3s, solve…
Use this multiplication worksheet to give students practice with the 3 times table. Students write number sentences to…
Have students complete this multiplication worksheet to reinforce the 4s time table. Students will count in 4s, solve…
Use this multiplication worksheet to give students practice with the 4 times table. Students write number sentences to…
In this mixed tables multiplication review, students count the pegs in each pegboard and write a number sentence.
In this multiplication worksheet, students write a number sentence to show how much money the kids will get for their…
Students use their understanding of multiplication and division to complete each number sentence in this worksheet.
Give students practice multiplying by 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10 with this multiplication worksheet.
In this multiplication worksheet, students count objects in a picture and write number sentences to work out how many of…
Students are asked to multiply or divide to complete each number sentence in this worksheet. Horizontal multiplication…
Students use their knowledge of multiplication tables to recognize multiples of 6, 7, and 8 in this math worksheet.
Students make each pair of fractions equal by filling in the missing numerator or denominator in this math worksheet.
To complete this vertical multiplication worksheet, students multiply two-digit numbers by one-digit numbers. This…
Students will see how multiplying odd and even numbers produces predictable results in this multiplication worksheet.
No regrouping is required in these multiplication problems. Make sure children multiply the ones first, and then the…
There are several different ways children can show their work in these multiplication problems. Some children may use…
To complete the equations in this printable math worksheet, children must choose the operation: multiplication or…
Using pictures of pairs of feet as clues, students answer basic multiplication problems. They must multiply by two in…
Using pictures of stamps as a guide, children write a multiplication problem to match the corresponding drawing.
Each picture of a face in this multiplication worksheet represents the number 2. Students will multiply the number of…
Students will use sets of eyes as a way to multiply by 2. Then, they will draw pictures to represent the number…
Introduce the 5 times table with this printable math worksheet. Children count by 5's using a grid and complete basic…
Using pictures as a guide, students complete basic problems where they multiply by 5.
Using the 5 times table, students complete the multiplication problems in this math worksheet.