To complete the first part of this math worksheet, students round the numbers to the leading digit, then estimate the…
Students round the amounts in each problem before adding or subtracting to estimate the sum or difference. Students need…
Encourage students to estimate each answer mentally. Students will round the leading digit to estimate the product of…
Demonstrate how students can use rounding to estimate sums. In this addition worksheet, students round the leading digit…
Use this activity with your students to estimate the size of pictured items, in feet and inches. The visual…
Estimate to find the answers to the word problems in this math worksheet. Children should use a compatible number—one…
This subtraction worksheet demonstrates how students can use rounding to estimate differences. Students must round the…
To estimate the sum of each addition problem, students round the dollar amounts before adding them. Students need to…
Have students apply their knowledge of place value to round each decimal to the nearest whole number. This rounding…
Connect math and literature through supplementary activities for Sir Cumference and All the King's Tens, a fun book that…
After reading "The Planet of Mars" by Shel Silverstein and The Planets in Our Solar System by Franklyn M. Branley,…
Give students practice in long division where the divisors are less than 5 and the quotient contains a remainder.…
To estimate each quotient, students round the dividend to a compatible number (a multiple of the divisor). Then, they…
Develop math skills with an activity that focuses on likenesses and differences.
Students round each whole number to the nearest ten, hundred, thousand, or ten-thousand in this math worksheet. Remind…
Develop math skills with an activity that focuses on size classification.
Using this math printable, students practice their problem-solving skills by estimating quotients based on word problems…
Students estimate and count the number of raisins in a box of cereal.
Connect literature, math, and science with activities for Biggest, Strongest, Fastest by Steve Jenkins. Students will…
To estimate the difference for each subtraction problem, students round the dollar amounts before subtracting them.…
Students round each whole number to the nearest ten, hundred, or thousand in this math worksheet.
Using a number line, students round numbers to the nearest ten in this math worksheet.
This math worksheet provides practice rounding amounts of money to the nearest dollar, ten dollars, or hundred dollars.…
The decimals in this worksheet go to the hundredths place. Have students round each one to the nearest tenth. The…