No math class is complete without centimeter graph paper! This sheet of centimeter graph paper is ready to be filled…
A math class must-have! Use this ready-to-use sheet of isometric dot paper with students for various mathematical…
Must-have printable for all geometry and math classes! Use this page of diagrams and formulas for finding the…
Your students can create their own artwork with this printable on creating tessellations, a supplement to the Lesson…
This measurement printable contains images of a centimeter ruler, an inch ruler, and a protractor. Use these…
Use these activities to encourage students to practice their math skills--such as fractions, measurement, and…
Use these activities with students over the school break to work on their skills with money, time, shapes, and…
Try a math activity that focuses on your students understanding the different shapes in geometry. Your students will…
Your second grade students can use the clues to determine the correct item. This activity will help your students…
Distribute this printable activity to your K-1 students to test their understanding of spatial relationships. In this…
Use this printable sheet of unlabeled pattern blocks and geometric shapes with your students. You can incorporate these…
In this math printable, students must apply their knowledge of patterns, shapes, and measurement in geometry.
Check students' understanding of geometric concepts with this worksheet. Students are asked to identify polygons by…
Introduce students to various polygons and types of quadrilaterals with this geometry worksheet. Students will learn the…
Distribute a chart that has students recording circumference and diameter of various objects, and a worksheet to use the…
Sheet of quarter-inch graph paper.
Use this worksheet to help students identify and complete shape patterns. This sheet can be used as is or adapted to fit…
Students must plot vegetables in a garden according to space required.
Try a math activity that focuses on matching shapes.
Introduce the concept of volume, and give students practice finding volumes of cubes. To find the volume of some of the…
In this math worksheet, students compare size and shape and circle the matching figure.
An exercise in symmetry is provided in this printable math worksheet. Students must complete the other side of a drawing…
Compare shapes in this printable math worksheet. Make sure children look for both size and shape to find the match.
Distribute this packet of worksheets to build students' critical thinking skills.