This worksheet tasks students with answering basic questions about the people in their family, and then drawing a family…
Encourage the development of students' entrepreneurial skills with the economics and math activities in this teacher's…
Use a printable that contains a family tree chart that students' parents can help them fill in.
Explore an activity that asks students to draw the activities they do with their family in different types of weather.
Solve this logic problem with your students involving their family. This worksheet includes several FutureFit Extension…
In this activity, students identify their role in their family.
Give your students the opportunity to research their family history.
Students learn the basics of an organization chart in this printable PowerPoint activity on family trees.
Students will search for similarities they have with their parents.
In this critical thinking activity, students are asked to identify object categories.
Organize genealogy on this printable family tree. Use this worksheet as a planning page for the Family Tree PowerPoint…
Distribute a printable social studies activity that focuses on personal/family facts.
In this art activity, students think about what they can do to help out their family.
Increase social studies skills with an activity that focuses on family history. This activity helps students understand…
Help students learn Spanish vocabulary for family, feelings, and body parts with these printables. Each illustrated…
Distribute a printable social studies activity that presents a family members wordsearch.
Try a math activity that focuses on creating a graph of family members.
Increase social studies skills with an activity that focuses on family information. This worksheet includes several…
Distribute a printable social studies activity that focuses on family awareness.
Get students thinking about the power of love, the meaning of family, and the choices we make with the pre- and…
In this art activity, students make their own jigsaw puzzle depicting their family.
Students use this sheet to display information they collected while researching their personal history.
Caring for a sick loved one can be a difficult task. Pupils use the questions provided to write about how they might…
In this counting activity, students are asked to compare sizes of different families.