Help students identify main idea and supporting details with this printable graphic organizer. This printable is…
An essential, must-have rubric for language arts classes The organization, elements of summaries, grammar, usage,…
The story is out of order! Arrange the sentences in the correct sequence.
The organization, elements of research report/paper writing, grammar, usage, mechanics, and spelling of a written piece…
Show children how to write their own myth, step by step with this printable worksheet.
This self-assessment asks children to analyze their recent work with an eye on improving their future projects.
This graphic organizer will help students cluster their ideas; it's especially useful as a prewriting tool. We've…
This worksheet can be used for a multitude of activities to help students learn more about synonyms and antonyms.…
In this word usage activity, students conjugate irregular verbs.
Teach sequence and storytelling skills with this activity. Students will create an illustrated four-panel story related…
The organization, elements of fiction, grammar, usage, mechanics, and spelling of a written piece are scored in this…
Enhance your instruction about story development with this graphic organizer that can be used for prewriting or to…
Increase reading abilities with an activity that build skills in drawing logical conclusions. Children will review what…
In this activity, students are given "license plate" combinations and are asked to create their own sentences with the…
Use this printable to teach pupils the purpose of the U.S. Constitution. Pupils will also analyse the language and…
This holiday-themed activity teaches teens what New Year's resolutions are and why they should make them. Students make…
Phrases about money often employ similes, which are comparative statements using "like" or "as."
Encourage your class to create goals and plan for the year ahead with this new year's resolution activity for elementary…
In this creative writing activity, students pretend to be the teacher.
In this writing assignment, students use the 5 Ws and 1 H (who, what, when, where, why and how) to write about their day…
The organization, elements of definition/classification, grammar, usage, mechanics, and spelling of a written piece are…
Develop composition skills with this writing activity about the importance of grandparents. This printable will be a…
Enrich students' reading experience with the discussion questions, writing prompts, research topics, and drama…
Use this printable to have children write a cover letter to sell a fake movie script they have written.