Distribute a printable social studies activity that focuses on showing respect for oneself and for others.
Could your students pass the U.S. Naturalization Test? Give them this quiz to find out!
Increase social studies skills with an activity that focuses on showing respect and understanding good citizenship.
Recognize good citizenship with this printable award. Tailor this customizable PDF to your needs by typing in the…
Try conducting a citizenship affirmation ceremony with your class to teach the importance of Australian citizenship.
Discuss the Canadian Bill of Rights with students, then allow them to interpret each right into more meaningful language…
Distribute a printable social studies activity that focuses on being an American citizen.
Distribute a printable social studies activity that focuses on democracy/national pride.
Assign one of six journal topics for students on the subject of "A Trip to Washington, D.C."
Teach children about Citizenship Day, September 17, with these activities. This is the day naturalization ceremonies…