After introduction to a family tree website, students are inspired to research their own family histories.
Students brush up on their manners by learning do's and don'ts for the dinner table.
Connect social studies and technology with a family tree PowerPoint presentation. In this lesson, students study their…
Use this vocabulary list with the "Communities" lesson.
Students learn the basics of an organization chart in this printable PowerPoint activity on family trees.
Prairie life in the 1800s will come alive for students as they visit historical websites with photographs and…
Create a memorable storytelling unit for your class with the help of this teacher's guide.
Use this vocabulary list with the lesson Train to Somewhere.
Use this checklist for assessment with the lesson Train to Somewhere.
Use this activity to teach students about the stages that a family goes through.
Use this printable to collect information about each student in the class.
Have students interview a senior citizen to learn what schools, jobs, and community activities were like when they were…
Assessment that aligns with the "Learning About Voice Through Photographs" lesson.
A visit to a virtual honeybee hive illustrates what it takes to make a successful community.
Share the history of Father's Day with your students and brainstorm about what fatherhood means. The brainstorming can…