Help your students learn how to analyze and present data Use this lesson plan to help students learn how to read and…
This simple KWL chart can be used in all curriculum areas and all grade levels. The activity will keep your students…
Distribute a group activity that explains the musical relationship between length of instruments and their pitch.
Students learn the basics of an organization chart in this printable PowerPoint activity on family trees.
Using M&Ms, students will practice graphing and averaging and use the data in a spreadsheet.
In this printable computer lesson and activity, students learn the basics of a spreadsheet and create a graph showing…
Teach students how to create a chart from a spreadsheet. The step-by-step instructions in this lesson demonstrate how to…
Students collect data from coin tosses and chart this information on a spreadsheet. Then, they create a graph and…
This graphs aids students in understanding median, mode and mean.
Show students how to create a line graph in Microsoft Excel® using the step-by-step instructions in this lesson…
Hand out a printable computer activity that teaches the basics of a spreadsheet. Students research how fast different…
Students gather data and construct a graph about their classmates' favorite authors.
Find out which books are most popular in the school by gathering and graphing data.
This spreadsheet activity asks students to collect, organize, and graph data. Students will use formulas to convert…
Students use the Internet to research turkey consumption worldwide. They graph their data with a spreadsheet program,…
Further students' knowledge of column charts in Microsoft Excel® with this computer lesson plan. Students will make…
In this computer lesson, students will learn how to create a pie chart from survey data in a Microsoft Excel®…
In this computer lesson plan, students use a line chart to compare profits from two different school years. Following…
In this printable classroom activity, students brainstorm a list of their favorite foods at Thanksgiving. Then they use…
In this printable computer activity, students learn about formulas on a spreadsheet and use this knowledge to calculate…