Introduce the world's different climate zones and the plants and animals that live in them with these weather…
Which animal is flying, roaring, splashing and jumping? In this early learning printable, kids match each animal with…
Composting is the controlled decomposition of organic materials. This printable guide to the basics of composting – and…
With this graphic organizer, students paste pictures of animals to their corresponding outer covering: fur, scales,…
Students learn about the role of honeybees as pollinators by reading and illustrating a story.
Students learn about habitats and how zoos design them.
Review the meaning of science terms with this vocabulary worksheet and word puzzle about heredity and genetics.
Use the crossword puzzle in this science printable to review key terms about plant structures and functions. Key terms…
Enhance reading comprehension with a lesson that is centered around a biography about environmentalist Rachel Carson.
Use this ladybug pattern with the Insects Bulletin Board.
This list of rain forest animals is ready to print and use with a science unit, spelling activity, or other rain forest…
Suggest to parents a family activity that provides a series of home projects and vocabulary words to help children…
Students learn about dogs in this nonfiction reading passage. This printable reading warm-up provides practice reading…
Develop students' nonfiction reading skills as they learn about the ocean. This printable warm-up includes a science…
Develop students' reading skills with a passage about killer whales and reading comprehension questions, in this…
Most teachers reinforce students' skills and understanding with graphic organizers. This collection of our Top 10 Animal…
Students paste the provided pictures of animal babies and their parents in their respective labeled columns. This…
Use a printable that contains an idea for a class sharing activity, as well as a parental notice.
Students will make imaginary insects which have the essential characteristics of an insect, such as six legs and three…
Children are asked to identify which statements are true or false concerning recycling and pollution. This is a good…
Students will learn how to make a bar graph based on data about certain dog breeds. This math printable can be used as…
Students make a web of an animal and its basic needs. Pictures are provided.
Learn how some insects cause harm, from damaging crops to spreading disease. Using the facts in this printable, students…
The questions in this life science printable review how plants are classified. Students will identify the…