Evaluate performance over an extended period of time by incorporating portfolios in your student assessment. This…
Model effective usage of a Venn diagram with this example, which compares and contrasts dogs and cats as pets. It will…
Many teachers reinforce students' skills and understanding with our top 10 science graphic organizers. This collection…
Students offer suggestions around the main idea of staying healthy. This printable is customizable. Tailor the PDF to…
Students cut out pictures of items and paste them in the tank where they believe they would fall. They paste items that…
With this graphic organizer, students sort objects that are lighter or heavier than a pencil into two columns. This…
Introduce your students to a KWL chart that is a graphic organizer for recording what students Know, Want to know, and…
Use this graphic organizer while teaching any subject to help your students understand the cause and effect. This…
Use this time line graphic organizer to detail events and dates. This printable is customizable. Tailor the PDF to your…
Students use this graphic organizer to list what animals and plants are found in a garden. This printable is…
With this graphic organizer, students paste pictures of animals to their corresponding outer covering: fur, scales,…
Most teachers reinforce students' skills and understanding with graphic organizers. This collection of our Top 10 Animal…
With this graphic organizer, students differentiate between electric-powered items and gas-powered items. This printable…
Students paste the provided pictures of animal babies and their parents in their respective labeled columns. This…
Students use this graphic organizer to list ways to help the environment, including the air, land, and water. This…
Celebrate spring with these St. Patrick's Day, Easter, and Earth Day-themed choice boards, perfect for upper elementary…
Use this packet to teach your students how to write a group research report. A graphic organizer model, a blank graphic…
With this graphic organizer, students list solids and liquids, broken down by state. This printable is customizable.…
Use this form as a permission slip for your class trip to the zoo.