Extends students' learning experience reading literature. Students will use this printable worksheet to describe in…
Help students identify main idea and supporting details with this printable graphic organizer. This printable is…
This graphic organizer will help your students identify the main idea and supporting facts in three paragraphs. It's…
Organizing the who, what, where, when, why, and how of an event is the goal of this graphic organizer. This printable is…
Using a story map helps children to identify key elements in a story such as characters or events. This printable is…
Visually organize thoughts with this concept map. This type of map can be used in any content area when trying to…
Help students build their reading comprehension or prewriting skills through organizing main ideas and supporting…
This KWL Chart will help students organize what they know, want to know, and will learn by following a lesson. This…
Use this graphic organizer while teaching any subject to help your students understand the cause and effect. This…
The object of this graphic organizer is to identify the main idea and supporting details in a text that is being read.…
Help students construct and arrange ideas with this advanced web or Concept Map. This printable is customizable. Tailor…
A web or Concept Map is a useful tool for students to brainstorm and organize ideas. This printable is customizable.…
Explore cause-and-effect with your students by organizing these items on a printable chart. This graphic organizer is…
Have your students fill in this graphic organizer to identify the problem, solution attempts, and the resolution. This…
You'll discover many graphic organizers inside this gallery of our Top 10 Reading Graphic Organizers; topics range from…
Distribute this printable worksheet that extends students' learning and enhances their appreciation of a book and the…
Students identify the problem and its solution after reading a passage or story with this graphic organizer. Check for…
Your child can use this graphic organizer to identify the sequence of events in a story or a sequential task. This…
Enhance your instruction about story development with this graphic organizer that can be used for prewriting or to…
Try a printable worksheet that will help organize the chronology of a story. This printable is customizable. Tailor the…
This graphic organizer will help you and your colleagues to plan cross-curricular units or even just as a way for you to…
Use this chart to compare the basic elements of two stories. This printable is customizable. Tailor the PDF to your…
Organize students' knowledge of a topic with a KWL chart. Track what students Know, what they Want to know, and what…
Graphic organizers are one of the most effective ways for students to capture their thoughts in a logical, productive…