Evaluate performance over an extended period of time by incorporating portfolios in your student assessment. This…
This sheet of multiple-choice bubble answers is ready to be filled in by your students. It features 50 items with…
Multiple-choice questions in this science exam are used to test students' knowledge and understanding of the human…
Before starting a unit on physical science, give students this diagnostic test to assess their knowledge of physics and…
Review facts about vertebrates and invertebrates with this word-fill activity. Students will use the terms in the word…
Gauge students' understanding of living things and the environment with this printable test about ecosystems and natural…
Before starting a unit on life science, give students this diagnostic test to assess their knowledge of plants, animals,…
Use this multiple-choice and written-response printable science exam in your classroom to your test students' knowledge…
Test students' understanding of eclipses, solstices, equinoxes, phases of the Moon, time zones, and the seasons with…
Test students' knowledge of plant structure and function with this printable science exam. Students will label the parts…
Can't find the right rubric? Make your own! This blank grid will make it easy for you to create your own rubrics. This…
The multiple-choice and written-response questions in this science exam will test students' knowledge and understanding…
Quiz students on climates, animal adaptations, and climate change with the multiple-choice questions in this printable.
Review facts about the Sun and the eight planets in our solar system with this multiple-choice quiz.
Gauge children's understanding of heredity and genetics with this printable test. For this exam, pupils interpret a…
Multiple-choice questions in this space-science exam are used to test students' knowledge and understanding of the solar…
This science exam uses multiple-choice and written-response questions to test students' knowledge and understanding of…
Assess students' knowledge and understanding of life science with this exam about the characteristics of living things.…
In this anatomy quiz, students are asked to match the common name for human body parts with the correct scientific name.…
Use this multiple-choice quiz to test students' knowledge of stars, galaxies, and constellations.
Use this rubric to assess students' performance level in designing a scientific experiment. The ten-point scale makes it…
Assess students' performance level for scientific lab activities and lab reports with this rubric. The ten-point scale…
Gauge students' understanding of the human circulatory system with this printable test. For this exam, students will…